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Our Team

Dr. Kikiope Oluwarore
Head of Field Operations
Kiki is a veterinarian with 10 years of interrelated experiences in providing animal health services, animal welfare programming and nonprofit management.

Isaac Esparza
Head of Logistics
Isaac hails from the for-profit world, and brings years of experience in operations, management and logistics.

Lukas Jasiunas, PhD
Head of Research
Lukas is an engineer and researcher by trade and an active member of the effective animal advocacy movement.

Karolina is co-founder and Director of Programs at Charity Entrepreneurship. There, she ensures delivery of key programs across multiple departments. She also trains and mentors Incubation Program participants in starting high-impact charities.
Karolina also serves as a Fund Manager at Effective Altruism Animal Welfare Fund and a board member and advisor for various EA nonprofits and think tanks, such as Fish Welfare Initiative, WANBAM, and Legal Priorities Project.
Before Charity Entrepreneurship, she co-founded an organization to improve the impact of nonprofits and social enterprises; worked on measurement and evaluation; and was a researcher for IBM and the Jagiellonian University (JU). At the age of 22, she became a university teaching fellow, lecturing at JU’s Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Karolina Sarek

Cynthia Schuck-Paim
Cynthia has a Ph.D. and post-doctoral degree in zoology (animal behavior and cognition) from Oxford University, and extensive experience in data analysis and global health research, specially in the areas of metrics and the effectiveness of interventions.
She has developed several research projects for research institutions in the UK, USA and Brazil, and authored over 70 scientific publications (list here), book chapters, and education materials. Additionally, she has taught data analysis and experimental design for researchers in the biomedical field for several years. She also has an MSc degree in Ecology and has done extensive work on the impacts of animal agriculture. She is currently the scientific director of the Welfare Footprint Project.

Dr. Michael J. Toscano
Dr. Toscano obtained a Ph.D. from Purdue University in the United States in 2006 where they sought to develop a multidiscipline means to assess hunger in swine. From there he continued to the University of Bristol in the UK where he investigated disease states within swine and poultry and their relationship to physiological and behavioral phenotypes. Most recently, Dr. Toscano's research focuses on bone fractures in laying hens, a topic he began at the University of Bristol and continue at his current post as Group Leader (Senior Scientist) of the Research Center for Proper Housing: Poultry and Rabbits (ZTHZ). In general, his research is of an applied nature and seeks to bring the benefits of analysis and understanding gained in the laboratory to on-farm settings in order for improvements in animal welfare to be made in an objective manner.

Dr. Victor Yamo
Victor is a qualified Veterinary Surgeon and Poultry expert trained at the University of Nairobi and the Dutch Animal Health Service, Deventer. He has over 25 years working experience in Veterinary services, Livestock Production Systems and Agribusiness having worked in various capacities for several regional organizations like Kenchic and consulted for international organizations like the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) and European Union (EU). He is currently a part time lecturer for Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) and a member of the Poultry Sector Skills Advisory committee of the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC) of Kenya.
Since 2015, Victor has been at World Animal Protection where has been actively working with the livestock industry, governments, corporates, civil society, consumers and the general public in showing the critical connection between the welfare of intensively farmed animals, their productivity and the quality of food they produce which ultimately end on the consumers’ plates. He has been actively showing the nexus between animal welfare and environmental degradation, public health and food safety in order to drive the improvement of Farm Animal Welfare.
Vicky Cox
Vicky is part of Charity Entrepreneurship's research team, investigating and evaluating animal advocacy interventions. She is also part of the operations team mostly dealing in HR and office management.
Before joining the Charity Entrepreneurship team, Vicky went through the incubation program in 2019. Prior to this, she was a research intern for CE, primarily completing the priority country research for our recommended animal charities. She did this internship alongside her Maths with Actuarial Science degree at the University of Southampton, where she helped to found an effective altruism society. Vicky went vegan and became interested in effective altruism in 2016, after reading works by Peter Singer.
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